My profile



First name: Cindy 

Last name: Gonzalez

Age: 17 years old

City: Envigado

Country: Colombia

Occupation: Student 

Interests: I enjoy listening to music (merengue, porro, vallenato, reggaeton and all kind of music)

E- mail address:

Hello, I am Cindy Julieth Gonzalez Escalante, I have 17 years old and I am  a student at the "Normal superior de envigado". From an early age I felt great passion for children to learn and pass that knowledge so I decided to be a teacher, so in this portfolio I see a great opportunity to teach clearly playful and Foreign language in this modern age us much.

“Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.” Aristotle